Why Use an Independent Surveyor?
Even if you are seeking a mortgage--and may be paying for a Mortgage Valuation report--it is still advisable and prudent to arrange a survey by your own surveyor.
The Consumers' Association Which? Magazine and the Council of Mortgage Lenders both give this advice.
The reason is simple: the Mortgage Valuation report is prepared for the lender--not for you, the borrower.
It answers only the lender's questions concerning the appropriate security for your loan.
You cannot rely on it to answer the questions that concern your personal interests.
The valuation report obtained by the mortgage lender will often be from an in-house staff valuer, an associated firm of valuers, or a corporate organisation with whom they have reciprocal arrangements.
These organisations may offer additional Home Buyer Survey Reports or, occasionally, Building Surveys.
Are they, however, truly unbiased?
It is difficult to see how an organisation whose business is lending money can be considered to be disinterested in the outcome of a survey inspection.
The lender may be providing the money, selling the property through its estate agency arm, providing other financial services and gaining a survey fee, all quite legally.
An Independent Surveyor is just that - independent.
The surveyor will give a totally unbiased report tailored to the specific needs of the buyer, and offer independent advice upon which the buyer can base a decision, uninfluenced by any external considerations.
We try to achieve a balance of quality and value for money.
We do not try to be the cheapest within the sector because
we refuse to compromise on quality.
We are not time limited when carrying out your survey nor are targets set for the number of surveys to be completed per day or per week.
You can therefore be assured that the survey will receive the professional attention and necessary time that your important property decision deserves.